Source code for nept.place_fields

import numpy as np

from .utils import find_nearest_idx

[docs]def consecutive(array, stepsize=1): """ Parameters ---------- array : np.array Returns ------- List of np.arrays, split when jump greater than stepsize """ return np.split(array, np.where(np.diff(array) != stepsize)[0]+1)
[docs]def find_fields(tuning, hz_thresh=5, min_length=1, max_length=20, max_mean_firing=10): """ Parameters ---------- tuning : list of np.arrays Where each inner array contains the tuning curves for an individual neuron. hz_thresh : int or float Any bin with firing above this value is considered to be part of a field. min_length : int Minimum length of field (in tuning curve bin units, eg. if bin size is 3cm, min_length=1 is 3cm. max_length : int Maximum length of field (in tuning curve bin units, eg. if bin size is 3cm, min_length=10 is 3cm*10 = 30cm. max_mean_firing : int or float Only neurons with a mean firing rate less than this amount are considered for having place fields. The default is set to 10. Returns ------- with_fields : dict Where the key is the neuron number (int), value is a list of arrays (int) that are indices into the tuning curve where the field occurs. Each inner array contains the indices for a given place field. """ fields = [] for neuron_tc in tuning: if np.mean(neuron_tc) < max_mean_firing: neuron_field = np.zeros(neuron_tc.shape[0]) for i, this_bin in enumerate(neuron_tc): if this_bin > hz_thresh: neuron_field[i] = 1 fields.append(neuron_field) else: fields.append(np.array([])) fields_idx = dict() for i, neuron_fields in enumerate(fields): field_idx = np.nonzero(neuron_fields)[0] fields_idx[i] = consecutive(field_idx) with_fields = dict() for key in fields_idx: for field in fields_idx[key]: if len(field) > max_length: continue elif min_length <= len(field): with_fields[key] = fields_idx[key] continue return with_fields
[docs]def get_single_field(fields): """Finds neurons with and indices of single fields. Parameters ---------- fields : dict Where the key is the neuron number (int), value is a list of arrays (int). Each inner array contains the indices for a given place field. Eg. Neurons 7, 3, 11 that have 2, 1, and 3 place fields respectively would be: {7: [[field], [field]], 3: [[field]], 11: [[field], [field], [field]]} Returns ------- fields : dict Where the key is the neuron number (int), value is a list of arrays (int). Each inner array contains the indices for a given place field. Eg. For the above input, only neuron 3 would be output in this dict: {3: [[field]]} """ fields_single = dict() for neuron in fields.keys(): if len(fields[neuron]) == 1: fields_single[neuron] = fields[neuron] return fields_single
[docs]def get_heatmaps(neuron_list, spikes, pos, num_bins=100): """ Gets the 2D heatmaps for firing of a given set of neurons. Parameters ---------- neuron_list : list of ints These will be the indices into the full list of neuron spike times spikes : list Containing nept.SpikeTrain for each neuron. pos : nept.Position Must be 2D. num_bins : int This will specify how the 2D space is broken up, the greater the number the more specific the heatmap will be. The default is set at 100. Returns ------- heatmaps : dict of lists Where the key is the neuron number and the value is the heatmap for that individual neuron. """ if not pos.dimensions == 2: raise ValueError("pos must be two-dimensional") xedges = np.linspace(np.min(pos.x)-2, np.max(pos.x)+2, num_bins+1) yedges = np.linspace(np.min(pos.y)-2, np.max(pos.y)+2, num_bins+1) heatmaps = dict() count = 1 for neuron in neuron_list: field_x = [] field_y = [] for spike in spikes[neuron].time: spike_idx = find_nearest_idx(pos.time, spike) field_x.append(pos.x[spike_idx]) field_y.append(pos.y[spike_idx]) heatmap, out_xedges, out_yedges = np.histogram2d(field_x, field_y, bins=[xedges, yedges]) heatmaps[neuron] = heatmap.T print(str(neuron) + ' of ' + str(len(neuron_list))) count += 1 return heatmaps