Source code for nept.medpc_core

import numpy as np
import nept
import pandas as pd

[docs]class Session: def __init__(self, mags, pellets): self.mags = mags self.pellets = pellets self.trials = []
[docs] def add_trial(self, epoch, cue, trial_type): """Adds trial to session Parameters ---------- epoch: nept.Epoch object cue: str Typically either 'light' or 'sound' trial_type: int Typically 1, 2, 3, or 4 """ cue_mag = epoch.intersect(self.mags) self.trials.append( Trial(cue=cue, trial_type=trial_type, durations=np.sum(cue_mag.durations), numbers=cue_mag.n_epochs, latency=cue_mag.start - epoch.start if cue_mag.n_epochs > 0 else 10.0, responses=1 if cue_mag.n_epochs > 0 else 0))
[docs] def add_missing_trial(self, cue, trial_type): """Adds trial placeholders for missing trials. Parameters ---------- cue: str Typically either 'light' or 'sound' trial_type: int Typically 1, 2, 3, or 4 """ self.trials.append( Trial(cue=cue, trial_type=trial_type, durations=np.nan, numbers=np.nan, latency=np.nan, responses=np.nan))
[docs]class Trial: def __init__(self, cue, trial_type, durations, numbers, latency, responses): self.cue = cue self.trial_type = trial_type self.durations = durations self.numbers = numbers self.latency = latency self.responses = responses
[docs]class Rat: def __init__(self, rat_id, group1=None, group2=None): self.rat_id = rat_id self.group1 = group1 self.group2 = group2 self.sessions = [] self.sound_trials = {1: 'sounds2', 2: 'sounds1', 3: 'sounds1', 4: 'sounds2'} if group1 is not None and rat_id in group1: self.light_trials = {1: 'lights1', 2: 'lights1', 3: 'lights2', 4: 'lights2'} elif group2 is not None and rat_id in group2: self.light_trials = {1: 'lights2', 2: 'lights2', 3: 'lights1', 4: 'lights1'} else: raise ValueError("rat id is incorrect. Should be in group1 or group2")
[docs] def add_session(self, mags, pellets, lights1, lights2, sounds1, sounds2, trial1, trial2, trial3, trial4, group=False): """Sorts cues into appropriate trials (1, 2, 3, 4), using intersect between trial and cue epochs.""" session = Session(mags, pellets) if group == 1: for single_trial in trial1: session.add_trial(single_trial.intersect(lights1), 'light', 1) session.add_trial(single_trial.intersect(sounds2), 'sound', 1) for single_trial in trial2: session.add_trial(single_trial.intersect(lights1), 'light', 2) session.add_trial(single_trial.intersect(sounds1), 'sound', 2) for single_trial in trial3: session.add_trial(single_trial.intersect(lights2), 'light', 3) session.add_trial(single_trial.intersect(sounds1), 'sound', 3) for single_trial in trial4: session.add_trial(single_trial.intersect(lights2), 'light', 4) session.add_trial(single_trial.intersect(sounds2), 'sound', 4) elif group == 2: for single_trial in trial1: session.add_trial(single_trial.intersect(lights2), 'light', 1) session.add_trial(single_trial.intersect(sounds2), 'sound', 1) for single_trial in trial2: session.add_trial(single_trial.intersect(lights2), 'light', 2) session.add_trial(single_trial.intersect(sounds1), 'sound', 2) for single_trial in trial3: session.add_trial(single_trial.intersect(lights1), 'light', 3) session.add_trial(single_trial.intersect(sounds1), 'sound', 3) for single_trial in trial4: session.add_trial(single_trial.intersect(lights1), 'light', 4) session.add_trial(single_trial.intersect(sounds2), 'sound', 4) else: raise ValueError("must specify a group") self.sessions.append(session)
[docs] def add_session_medpc(self, mags, pellets, lights1, lights2, sounds1, sounds2, n_unique=8, delay=5.02, tolerance=1e-08): """Sorts cues into appropriate trials (1, 2, 3, 4), using specified delay between light and sound cues.""" session = Session(mags, pellets) for trial in [1, 2, 3, 4]: if self.light_trials[trial] == 'lights1': light_cues = lights1 elif self.light_trials[trial] == 'lights2': light_cues = lights2 if self.sound_trials[trial] == 'sounds1': sound_cues = sounds1 elif self.sound_trials[trial] == 'sounds2': sound_cues = sounds2 n_trials = 0 for light in light_cues: for sound in sound_cues: if np.allclose(sound.start - light.stop, delay, atol=tolerance): session.add_trial(light, 'light', trial) session.add_trial(sound, 'sound', trial) n_trials += 1 for _ in range(n_unique - n_trials): session.add_missing_trial('light', trial) session.add_missing_trial('sound', trial) self.sessions.append(session)
[docs]def f_analyze(trial, measure): """Extracts appropriate analysis metric. Parameters ---------- trial: emi_biconditional Trial object measure: str One of 'durations', 'numbers', 'latency', or 'responses' Returns -------- output: analysis metric for a given trial """ if measure == 'durations': output = trial.durations if measure == 'numbers': output = trial.numbers if measure == 'latency': output = trial.latency if measure == 'responses': output = trial.responses * 100. return output
[docs]def combine_rats(data, rats, n_sessions, only_sound=False): """Combines behavioral measures from multiple rats, sessions and trials. Parameters ---------- data: dict With rat (str) as key, contains Rat objects for each rat rats: list With rat_id (str) n_sessions: int only_sound: boolean Returns ------- df: pd.DataFrame """ measures = ['durations', 'numbers', 'latency', 'responses'] together = dict(trial=[], rat=[], session=[], trial_type=[], rewarded=[], cue=[], value=[], measure=[], condition=[]) for session in range(n_sessions): for rat in rats: for i, trial in enumerate(data[rat].sessions[session].trials): for measure in measures: if not only_sound or trial.cue == 'sound': together['trial'].append("%s, %d" % (rat, i)) together['rat'].append(rat) together['session'].append(session+1) together['trial_type'].append(trial.trial_type) together['rewarded'].append("%s %s" % (trial.cue, 'rewarded' if trial.trial_type % 2 == 0 else 'unrewarded')) together['cue'].append(trial.cue) together['condition'].append("%s %d" % (trial.cue, trial.trial_type)) together['measure'].append(measure) together['value'].append(f_analyze(trial, measure)) df = pd.DataFrame(data=together) fix_missing_trials(df) return df
[docs]def fix_missing_trials(df): """Replaces nan values with mean for that trial type Parameters ---------- df: pd.DataFrame Note: this is a hack to handle sessions where there were fewer trials than expected. This function finds those trials and replaces the values with the mean for that trial type across the session. """ nan_idx = np.where(np.isnan(df['value']))[0] for idx in nan_idx: row = df.loc[idx] value = df.loc[(df['rat'] == row['rat']) & (df['session'] == row['session']) & (df['condition'] == row['condition']) & (df['measure'] == row['measure'])].mean()['value'] df.set_value(idx, 'value', value)