Source code for nept.loaders_neuralynx

# Adapted from nlxio written by Bernard Willards <>

import numpy as np
import nept

[docs]def load_events(filename, labels): """Loads neuralynx events Parameters ---------- filename: str labels: dict With event name as the key and Neuralynx event string as the value. Returns ------- timestamps: dict """ nev_data = load_nev(filename) idx = {key: [] for key in labels} for key in labels: for i, event in enumerate(nev_data['event_str']): if event.decode() == labels[key]: idx[key].append(i) timestamps = {label: [] for label in labels} times = nev_data['time'].astype(float) * 1e-6 for label in labels: timestamps[label] = times[idx[label]] return timestamps
[docs]def load_lfp(filename): """Loads LFP as nept.LocalFieldPotential Parameters ---------- filename: str Returns ------- lfp: nept.LocalFieldPotential """ data, time = load_ncs(filename) return nept.LocalFieldPotential(data, time)
[docs]def load_position(filename, pxl_to_cm): """Loads videotracking position as nept.Position Parameters ---------- filename: str pxl_to_cm: tuple With (x, y) conversion factors Returns ------- position: nept.Position """ nvt_data = load_nvt(filename) xy = np.hstack(np.array([nvt_data['x'] / pxl_to_cm[0], nvt_data['y'] / pxl_to_cm[1]])[..., np.newaxis]) return nept.Position(xy, nvt_data['time'])
[docs]def load_neuralynx_header(filename): """Loads a neuralynx header. Parameters ---------- filename: str Returns ------- header: byte str """ f = open(filename, 'rb') # Neuralynx files have a 16kbyte header header = ** 14).strip(b'\x00') f.close() return header
[docs]def load_ncs(filename): """Loads a neuralynx .ncs electrode file. Parameters ---------- filename: str Returns ------- cscs: np.array Voltage trace (V) times: np.array Timestamps (microseconds) """ f = open(filename, 'rb') # Neuralynx files have a 16kbyte header header = ** 14).strip(b'\x00') # The format for a .ncs files according the the neuralynx docs is # uint64 - timestamp in microseconds # uint32 - channel number # uint32 - sample freq # uint32 - number of valid samples # int16 x 512 - actual csc samples dt = np.dtype([('time', '<Q'), ('channel', '<i'), ('freq', '<i'), ('valid', '<i'), ('csc', '<h', (512,))]) data = np.fromfile(f, dt) # unpack the csc matrix csc = data['csc'].reshape((data['csc'].size,)) data_times = data['time'] * 1e-6 # find the frequency frequency = np.unique(data['freq']) if len(frequency) > 1: raise IOError("only one frequency allowed") frequency = frequency[0] # .ncs files have a timestamp for every ~512 data points. # Here, we assign timestamps for each data sample based on the sampling frequency # for each of the 512 data points. Sometimes a block will have fewer than 512 data entries, # number is set in data['valid']. this_idx = 0 n_block = 512. offsets = np.arange(0, n_block / frequency, 1. / frequency) times = np.zeros(csc.shape) for i, (time, n_valid) in enumerate(zip(data_times, data['valid'])): times[this_idx:this_idx + n_valid] = time + offsets[:n_valid] this_idx += n_valid # now find analog_to_digital conversion factor in the header analog_to_digital = None for line in header.split(b'\n'): if line.strip().startswith(b'-ADBitVolts'): analog_to_digital = np.array(float(line.split(b' ')[1].decode())) if analog_to_digital is None: raise IOError("ADBitVolts not found in .ncs header for " + filename) cscs = csc * analog_to_digital f.close() return cscs, times
[docs]def load_nev(filename): """Loads a neuralynx .nev file. Parameters ---------- filename: str Returns ------- nev_data: dict With time (uint64), id (uint16), nttl (uint16), and event_str (charx128) as the most usable keys. """ f = open(filename, 'rb') # There's nothing useful in the header for .nev files, so skip past it ** 14) # An event record is as follows: # int16 - nstx - reserved # int16 - npkt_id - id of the originating system # int16 - npkt_data_size - this value should always be 2 # uint64 - timestamp, microseconds # int16 - nevent_id - ID value for event # int16 - nttl - decimal TTL value read from the TTL input port # int16 - ncrc - record crc check, not used in consumer applications # int16 - ndummy1 - reserved # int16 - ndummy2 - reserved # int32x8 - dnExtra - extra bit values for this event # string(128) - event string dt = np.dtype([('filler1', '<h', 3), ('time', '<Q'), ('id', '<h'), ('nttl', '<h'), ('filler2', '<h', 3), ('extra', '<i', 8), ('event_str', np.dtype('a128'))]) nev_data = np.fromfile(f, dt) f.close() return nev_data
[docs]def load_ntt(filename): """Loads a neuralynx .ntt tetrode spike file. Parameters ---------- filename: str Returns ------- timestamps: np.array Spikes as (num_spikes, length_waveform, num_channels) spikes: np.array Spike times as uint64 (us) frequency: float Sampling frequency in waveforms (Hz) Usage: timestamps, spikes, frequency = load_ntt('') """ f = open(filename, 'rb') # A tetrode spike record is as folows: # uint64 - timestamp bytes 0:8 # uint32 - acquisition entity number bytes 8:12 # uint32 - classified cel number bytes 12:16 # 8 * uint32- params bytes 16:48 # 32 * 4 * int16 - waveform points # hence total record size is 2432 bits, 304 bytes # header is 16kbyte, i.e. 16 * 2^10 = 2^14 header = ** 14).strip(b'\x00') # Read the header and find the conversion factors / sampling frequency analog_to_digital = None frequency = None for line in header.split(b'\n'): if line.strip().startswith(b'-ADBitVolts'): analog_to_digital = np.array(float(line.split(b' ')[1].decode())) if line.strip().startswith(b'-SamplingFrequency'): frequency = float(line.split(b' ')[1].decode()) ** 14) # start of the spike, records # Neuralynx write little endian for some dumb reason dt = np.dtype([('time', '<Q'), ('filer', '<i', 10), ('spikes', np.dtype('<h'), (32, 4))]) data = np.fromfile(f, dt) if analog_to_digital is None: raise IOError("ADBitVolts not found in .ntt header for " + filename) if frequency is None: raise IOError("Frequency not found in .ntt header for " + filename) f.close() return data['time'], data['spikes'] * analog_to_digital, frequency
[docs]def load_nvt(filename): """Loads a neuralynx .nvt file. Parameters ---------- filename: str Returns ------- nvt_data: dict With time, x, and y as keys. """ f = open(filename, 'rb') # Neuralynx files have a 16kbyte header header = ** 14).strip(b'\x00') # The format for .nvt files according the the neuralynx docs is # uint16 - beginning of the record # uint16 - ID for the system # uint16 - size of videorec in bytes # uint64 - timestamp in microseconds # uint32 x 400 - points with the color bitfield values # int16 - unused # int32 - extracted X location of target # int32 - extracted Y location of target # int32 - calculated head angle in degrees clockwise from the positive Y axis # int32 x 50 - colored targets using the same bitfield format used to extract colors earlier dt = np.dtype([('filler1', '<h', 3), ('time', '<Q'), ('points', '<i', 400), ('filler2', '<h'), ('x', '<i'), ('y', '<i'), ('head_angle', '<i'), ('targets', '<i', 50)]) data = np.fromfile(f, dt) nvt_data = dict() nvt_data['time'] = data['time'] * 1e-6 nvt_data['x'] = np.array(data['x'], dtype=float) nvt_data['y'] = np.array(data['y'], dtype=float) nvt_data['targets'] = np.array(data['targets'], dtype=float) empty_idx = (data['x'] == 0) & (data['y'] == 0) for key in nvt_data: nvt_data[key] = nvt_data[key][~empty_idx] return nvt_data