Source code for nept.decoding

import numpy as np
import nept

[docs]def bayesian_prob(counts, tuning_curves, binsize, min_neurons, min_spikes): """Computes the bayesian probability of location based on spike counts. Parameters ---------- counts : nept.AnalogSignal Where each inner array is the number of spikes (int) in each bin for an individual neuron. tuning_curves : np.array Where each inner array is the tuning curve (floats) for an individual neuron. binsize : float Size of the time bins. min_neurons : int Mininum number of neurons active in a given bin. min_spikes : int Mininum number of spikes in a given bin. Returns ------- prob : np.array Where each inner array is the probability (floats) for an individual neuron by location bins. Notes ----- If a bin does not meet the min_neuron/min_spikes requirement, that bin's probability is set to nan. To convert it to 0s instead, use : prob[np.isnan(prob)] = 0 on the output. """ n_time_bins = np.shape(counts.time)[0] n_position_bins = np.shape(tuning_curves)[1] likelihood = np.empty((n_time_bins, n_position_bins)) * np.nan # Ignore warnings when inf created in this loop error_settings = np.seterr(over='ignore') for idx in range(n_position_bins): valid_idx = tuning_curves[:, idx] > 1 # log of 1 or less is negative or invalid if np.any(valid_idx): # event_rate is the lambda in this poisson distribution event_rate = tuning_curves[valid_idx, idx, np.newaxis].T **[:, valid_idx] prior = np.exp(-binsize * np.sum(tuning_curves[valid_idx, idx])) # Below is the same as # likelihood[:, idx] =, axis=0) * prior * (1/n_position_bins) # only less likely to have floating point issues, though slower likelihood[:, idx] = np.exp(np.sum(np.log(event_rate), axis=1)) * prior * (1/n_position_bins) np.seterr(**error_settings) # Set any inf value to be largest float largest_float = np.finfo(float).max likelihood[np.isinf(likelihood)] = largest_float likelihood /= np.nansum(likelihood, axis=1)[..., np.newaxis] # Remove bins with too few neurons that that are active # a neuron is considered active by having at least min_spikes in a bin n_active_neurons = np.sum( >= min_spikes, axis=1) likelihood[n_active_neurons < min_neurons] = np.nan return likelihood
[docs]def decode_location(likelihood, pos_centers, time_centers): """Finds the decoded location based on the centers of the position bins. Parameters ---------- likelihood : np.array With shape(n_timebins, n_positionbins) pos_centers : np.array time_centers : np.array Returns ------- decoded : nept.Position Estimate of decoded position. """ prob_rows = np.sum(np.isnan(likelihood), axis=1) < likelihood.shape[1] max_decoded_idx = np.nanargmax(likelihood[prob_rows], axis=1) prob_decoded = pos_centers[max_decoded_idx] decoded_pos = np.empty((likelihood.shape[0], pos_centers.shape[1])) * np.nan decoded_pos[prob_rows] = prob_decoded decoded_pos = np.squeeze(decoded_pos) return nept.Position(decoded_pos, time_centers)
[docs]def remove_teleports(position, speed_thresh, min_length): """Removes positions above a certain speed threshold Parameters ---------- position : nept.Position speed_thresh : int Maximum speed to consider natural rat movements. Anything above this theshold will not be included in the filtered positions. min_length : int Minimum length for a sequence to be included in filtered positions. Returns ------- filtered_position : nept.Epoch """ velocity = np.squeeze(position.speed().data) split_idx = np.where(velocity >= speed_thresh)[0] keep_idx = [idx for idx in np.split(np.arange(position.n_samples), split_idx) if idx.size >= min_length] if len(keep_idx) == 0: return nept.Epoch([], []) starts = [position.time[idx_sequence[0]] for idx_sequence in keep_idx] stops = [position.time[idx_sequence[-1]] for idx_sequence in keep_idx] return nept.Epoch(np.hstack([np.array(starts)[..., np.newaxis], np.array(stops)[..., np.newaxis]]))